Mr Andrew Khaukha, the Judiciary Technical Advisor
Kampala.The Governing Council of the Judicial Training Institute (JTI) has co-opted Mr Andrew Khaukha, the Judiciary Technical Advisor as the Technical and Resource person of the Council. In a letter dated 30th January, 2018, the chairperson of the JTI, Hon. Lady Justice Stella Arach Amoko stated that the appointment was made "in consultation with the Chief Justice."
"...The Governing Council of the Judicial Training Institute at its 2nd meeting held on the 12th January, 2018 has, pursuant to Paragraph 9 (2) of the Judicial Training Institute Office Instruction No. 2 of 2017 and in consultation with the Hon.Chief Justice, co-opted you to the Governing Council of the Judicial Training Institute as the Technical and Resource person to the Council," read the letter in part.
The Hon. Chief Justice on 21st July, 2017 issued the Judicial Training Institute Instruction No. 2 of 2017.The Office Instruction introduced a number of changes, including replacing the Judicial Training Committee with the Governing Council.
The function of governing council is to approve the training curriculum and training calendar of the institute, approve the core faculty training team, mobilize funds for the Institute, initiate, develop and approve policies and plans for the Institute, oversee the operations of the Institute, clear further education for Judiciary staff.
Other responsibilities include appointing committees and sub committees to assist it in the performance of its functions, approve the quarterly and annual work plans of the Institute and develop and guide in the implementation of the strategic direction of the Institute. Members of Council shall serve for a term of three years renewable once.
The Council is comprisedof;
1. Hon. Lady Justice Stella Arach Amoko - Chairperson,Justice of the Supreme Court
2. Hon.Justice Kenneth Kakuru - Deputy Chairperson, Justice of the Court of Appeal
3. Hon. Justice Dr Henry Peter Adonyo - Member, Executive Director of the Institute
4. Hon. Lady Justice Percy NightTuhaise - Member, Judge of the High Court
5. Hon. Justice Gadenya Paul Wolimbwa - Member
6. Mr. Kagole Expedito Kivumbi - Member, Permanent Secretary/Secretary to the Judiciary
7. Mr. Francis Atoke - Member, Solicitor General;
8. Ms. Norah Winyi - Member,Representative, Judicial Service Commission
9. Mr. Nigel Othembi -Director, Law Development Centre
10. Mr. Francis Gimara -President, Uganda Law Society
11. Ms. Rachel Odoi - SeniorTechnical Advisor, the Justice, Law Order Sector
12. Mr. Andrew Khaukha -Member, Technical Advisor, Judiciary
13. Registrar Research and Training - Secretary to the Governing Council
Posted 2nd, March 2018